Commit f2ec24e2 by Chiara Antonini

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1 parent 7aced9a4
function hText = xticklabel_rotate(XTick,rot,varargin)
%hText = xticklabel_rotate(XTick,rot,XTickLabel,varargin) Rotate XTickLabel
% Syntax: xticklabel_rotate
% Input:
% {opt} XTick - vector array of XTick positions & values (numeric)
% uses current XTick values or XTickLabel cell array by
% default (if empty)
% {opt} rot - angle of rotation in degrees, 90° by default
% {opt} XTickLabel - cell array of label strings
% {opt} [var] - "Property-value" pairs passed to text generator
% ex: 'interpreter','none'
% 'Color','m','Fontweight','bold'
% Output: hText - handle vector to text labels
% Example 1: Rotate existing XTickLabels at their current position by 90°
% xticklabel_rotate
% Example 2: Rotate existing XTickLabels at their current position by 45° and change
% font size
% xticklabel_rotate([],45,[],'Fontsize',14)
% Example 3: Set the positions of the XTicks and rotate them 90°
% figure; plot([1960:2004],randn(45,1)); xlim([1960 2004]);
% xticklabel_rotate([1960:2:2004]);
% Example 4: Use text labels at XTick positions rotated 45° without tex interpreter
% xticklabel_rotate(XTick,45,NameFields,'interpreter','none');
% Example 5: Use text labels rotated 90° at current positions
% xticklabel_rotate([],90,NameFields);
% Example 6: Multiline labels
% figure;plot([1:4],[1:4])
% axis([0.5 4.5 1 4])
% xticklabel_rotate([1:4],45,{{'aaa' 'AA'};{'bbb' 'AA'};{'ccc' 'BB'};{'ddd' 'BB'}})
% Note : you can not RE-RUN xticklabel_rotate on the same graph.
% This is a modified version of xticklabel_rotate90 by Denis Gilbert
% Modifications include Text labels (in the form of cell array)
% Arbitrary angle rotation
% Output of text handles
% Resizing of axes and title/xlabel/ylabel positions to maintain same overall size
% and keep text on plot
% (handles small window resizing after, but not well due to proportional placement with
% fixed font size. To fix this would require a serious resize function)
% Uses current XTick by default
% Uses current XTickLabel is different from XTick values (meaning has been already defined)
% Brian FG Katz
% 23-05-03
% Modified 03-11-06 after user comment
% Allow for exisiting XTickLabel cell array
% Modified 03-03-2006
% Allow for labels top located (after user comment)
% Allow case for single XTickLabelName (after user comment)
% Reduced the degree of resizing
% Modified 11-jun-2010
% Response to numerous suggestions on MatlabCentral to improve certain
% errors.
% Modified 23-sep-2014
% Allow for mutliline labels
% Other m-files required: cell2mat
% Subfunctions: none
% MAT-files required: none
% See also: xticklabel_rotate90, TEXT, SET
% Based on xticklabel_rotate90
% Author: Denis Gilbert, Ph.D., physical oceanography
% Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
% email: Web:
% February 1998; Last revision: 24-Mar-2003
% check to see if xticklabel_rotate has already been here (no other reason for this to happen)
if isempty(get(gca,'XTickLabel')),
error('xticklabel_rotate : can not process, either xticklabel_rotate has already been run or XTickLabel field has been erased') ;
% if no XTickLabel AND no XTick are defined use the current XTickLabel
%if nargin < 3 & (~exist('XTick') | isempty(XTick)),
% Modified with forum comment by "Nathan Pust" allow the current text labels to be used and property value pairs to be changed for those labels
if (nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{1})) & (~exist('XTick') | isempty(XTick)),
xTickLabels = get(gca,'XTickLabel') ; % use current XTickLabel
if ~iscell(xTickLabels)
% remove trailing spaces if exist (typical with auto generated XTickLabel)
temp1 = num2cell(xTickLabels,2) ;
for loop = 1:length(temp1),
temp1{loop} = deblank(temp1{loop}) ;
xTickLabels = temp1 ;
varargin = varargin(2:length(varargin));
% if no XTick is defined use the current XTick
if (~exist('XTick') | isempty(XTick)),
XTick = get(gca,'XTick') ; % use current XTick
%Make XTick a column vector
XTick = XTick(:);
if ~exist('xTickLabels'),
% Define the xtickLabels
% If XtickLabel is passed as a cell array then use the text
if (length(varargin)>0) & (iscell(varargin{1})),
xTickLabels = varargin{1};
varargin = varargin(2:length(varargin));
xTickLabels = num2str(XTick);
if length(XTick) ~= length(xTickLabels),
error('xticklabel_rotate : must have same number of elements in "XTick" and "XTickLabel"') ;
%Set the Xtick locations and set XTicklabel to an empty string
if nargin < 2,
rot = 90 ;
% Determine the location of the labels based on the position
% of the xlabel
hxLabel = get(gca,'XLabel'); % Handle to xlabel
xLabelString = get(hxLabel,'String');
% if ~isempty(xLabelString)
% warning('You may need to manually reset the XLABEL vertical position')
% end
xLabelPosition = get(hxLabel,'Position');
y = xLabelPosition(2);
%CODE below was modified following suggestions from Urs Schwarz
% retrieve current axis' fontsize
fs = get(gca,'fontsize');
if ~iscell(xTickLabels)
% Place the new xTickLabels by creating TEXT objects
hText = text(XTick, y, xTickLabels,'fontsize',fs);
% Place multi-line text approximately where tick labels belong
for cnt=1:length(XTick),
hText(cnt) = text(XTick(cnt),y(cnt),xTickLabels{cnt},...
'VerticalAlignment','top', 'UserData','xtick');
% Rotate the text objects by ROT degrees
% Modified with modified forum comment by "Korey Y" to deal with labels at top
% Further edits added for axis position
xAxisLocation = get(gca, 'XAxisLocation');
if strcmp(xAxisLocation,'bottom')
% Adjust the size of the axis to accomodate for longest label (like if they are text ones)
% This approach keeps the top of the graph at the same place and tries to keep xlabel at the same place
% This approach keeps the right side of the graph at the same place
set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'units','data') ;
labxorigpos_data = get(get(gca,'xlabel'),'position') ;
set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'units','data') ;
labyorigpos_data = get(get(gca,'ylabel'),'position') ;
set(get(gca,'title'),'units','data') ;
labtorigpos_data = get(get(gca,'title'),'position') ;
set(gca,'units','pixel') ;
set(hText,'units','pixel') ;
set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'units','pixel') ;
set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'units','pixel') ;
% set(gca,'units','normalized') ;
% set(hText,'units','normalized') ;
% set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'units','normalized') ;
% set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'units','normalized') ;
origpos = get(gca,'position') ;
% textsizes = cell2mat(get(hText,'extent')) ;
% Modified with forum comment from "Peter Pan" to deal with case when only one XTickLabelName is given.
x = get( hText, 'extent' );
if iscell( x ) == true
textsizes = cell2mat( x ) ;
textsizes = x;
largest = max(textsizes(:,3)) ;
longest = max(textsizes(:,4)) ;
laborigext = get(get(gca,'xlabel'),'extent') ;
laborigpos = get(get(gca,'xlabel'),'position') ;
labyorigext = get(get(gca,'ylabel'),'extent') ;
labyorigpos = get(get(gca,'ylabel'),'position') ;
leftlabdist = labyorigpos(1) + labyorigext(1) ;
% assume first entry is the farthest left
leftpos = get(hText(1),'position') ;
leftext = get(hText(1),'extent') ;
leftdist = leftpos(1) + leftext(1) ;
if leftdist > 0, leftdist = 0 ; end % only correct for off screen problems
% botdist = origpos(2) + laborigpos(2) ;
% newpos = [origpos(1)-leftdist longest+botdist origpos(3)+leftdist origpos(4)-longest+origpos(2)-botdist]
% Modified to allow for top axis labels and to minimize axis resizing
if strcmp(xAxisLocation,'bottom')
newpos = [origpos(1)-(min(leftdist,labyorigpos(1)))+labyorigpos(1) ...
origpos(2)+((longest+laborigpos(2))-get(gca,'FontSize')) ...
origpos(3)-(min(leftdist,labyorigpos(1)))+labyorigpos(1)-largest ...
origpos(4)-((longest+laborigpos(2))-get(gca,'FontSize'))] ;
newpos = [origpos(1)-(min(leftdist,labyorigpos(1)))+labyorigpos(1) ...
origpos(2) ...
origpos(3)-(min(leftdist,labyorigpos(1)))+labyorigpos(1)-largest ...
origpos(4)-(longest)+get(gca,'FontSize')] ;
set(gca,'position',newpos) ;
% readjust position of text labels after resize of plot
set(hText,'units','data') ;
for loop= 1:length(hText),
set(hText(loop),'position',[XTick(loop), y(loop)]) ;
% adjust position of xlabel and ylabel
laborigpos = get(get(gca,'xlabel'),'position') ;
set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'position',[laborigpos(1) laborigpos(2)-longest 0]) ;
% switch to data coord and fix it all
set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'units','data') ;
set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'position',labyorigpos_data) ;
set(get(gca,'title'),'position',labtorigpos_data) ;
set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'units','data') ;
labxorigpos_data_new = get(get(gca,'xlabel'),'position') ;
set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'position',[labxorigpos_data(1) labxorigpos_data_new(2)]) ;
% Reset all units to normalized to allow future resizing
set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'units','normalized') ;
set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'units','normalized') ;
set(get(gca,'title'),'units','normalized') ;
set(hText,'units','normalized') ;
set(gca,'units','normalized') ;
if nargout < 1,
clear hText
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